In publication since 1999, we are an independent journal that appears online as well as in annual print issues. We don’t adhere to any particular themes or tastes, but some people tell us they see one, maybe there’s something there? Our past contributors include Aimee Bender, Emma Straub, Matt Bell, Stephen Graham Jones, Michelle Latiolais, Blake Butler, Paul Griner, Shane Jones, Kevin Wilson, and many others. Published works have been anthologized in New Sudden Fiction and Sudden Fiction International (W. W. Norton), Best New Poets (Meridian), Best of the Web (Dzanc Books), and elsewhere, and have been named Notable Essay for Best American Essays.

Will Donnelly, Fiction Editor
Collier Nogues, Co-Poetry Editor
Michael Barach, Co-Poetry Editor
Stephanie Frazee, Associate Editor
Harris Lahti, Associate Editor
Claire Krueger, Art Director
Ashley Farmer, Editor Emeritus
Vincent Guerra, Editor Emeritus
Ryan Ridge, Editor Emeritus
Lindsay Walker, Editor Emeritus
Carol Chu, Art Director Emeritus
John Wei Han Wang, Publisher

Amazing fact: we have never made a single penny. We’re proud of this accomplishment, the way someone riddled with bullet holes might be proud they're still standing. Unfortunately, this is also cause for consternation and speculation, like, what makes this possible? Divine intervention? Unimaginable luck? A really good shirt? With a small donation you can add the kindness of strangers to that list, and help support independent literature. Every dollar, dime, or penny will go directly to printing and web hosting costs.  It won’t even be used for new shirts!

Contact Us
We are alive and reasonably well and reachable at Indicate Hello Juked in the subject heading so that we can more easily distinguish it from sneaky marketers trying to make us claim a large inheritance or take advantage of a unique business opportunity two continents away. Jokes and tall tales are particularly welcome.
Copyright © 1999 – 2024 Juked