Brian Alan Ellis

Brian Alan Ellis lives in Tallahassee, Florida, and is the author of The Mustache He’s Always Wanted but Could Never Grow, 33 Fragments of Sick-Sad Living, King Shit (with Waylon Thornton), and Something Good, Something Bad, Something Dirty. His writing has appeared in Crossed Out, Zygote in My Coffee, Monkeybicycle, DOGZPLOT, Conte, Sundog Lit, Connotation Press, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, HTMLGIANT, That Lit Site, Diverse Voices Quarterly, flashquake, Spittoon, Spry, NAP, The Next Best Book Blog, Entropy, Skive, The Round Up Writer’s Zine, Gravel, and Atticus Review, among others, and was also adapted and performed by the Buntport Theater group in Denver, Colorado.
