Alka Roy

Born in Ranchi, India, Alka Roy lives in the Bay Area and has a degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Notre Dame and an MFA in Creative Writing from Bennington College. Her works have appeared in Alhamra Literary Review, Del Sol Review, The Flying Island, Khabar, Linen Weave, NUVO, Passages North, Phoebe, and Wire Sandwich, including translations in anthologies Modern Poetry of Pakistan (Dalkey Archive Press, 2011) and Role of Translations in Nation Building (2013). Alka has also been involved in theater projects with 7 Stages, Emory University, and Working Title Playwrights’ 24-Hour Plays. She has studied with Amy Hempel, Sven Birkerts, Askold Melnyczuk, and others. Her works-in-progress include a graphic short story and collaborations with musicians on audio poems. She is a technology director, dancer, and performance artist.
