Director’s Cut of a TrilogyI like the soreness, Pain-pleasure complex, reminds me I’m alive, a few minutes or hours skin on skin nails scraping hands fingers grabbing, sounds-taste-touch-mingle-mix-create, the ache is what I like, tender red-purple splotches remnants of last night a token a memory a reminder, it was too short too hot too painful too pleasing she remembers her heart beating, heart pumping blood, to where? to who? is it okay? two bodies gasping for breath, was it us? two bodies merged a few minutes or hours, skin on skin nails scraping hands fingers grabbing teeth biting tongues licking, sounds pulsing-taste savoring-touch strangling, body trembling, pain pleasure, for who? was it for her? the ache is what she likes, she likes the soreness, tender red-purple splotches remnants of last night-a token a memory a reminder, muscles dull stiff, it was too short too hot too painful too pleasing, it is not okay she remembers her heart beating, heart pumping blood, to where? to who? is it okay? two bodies gasping for breath, was it us? the ache is what she likes, she likes the soreness I like the soreness, reminds me I’m alive a few minutes or hours, skin on skin nails scraping hands fingers grabbing teeth biting tongues licking, sounds pulsing-taste savoring-touch strangling, body trembling, pain pleasure, for who? was it for her? tender red-purple splotches remnants of last night a token a memory a reminder, muscles dull stiff, it was too short too hot too painful too pleasing Pain-pleasure complex, okay ? |
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