To Tell the Truth

The truth is . . .

We are still searching

              or how are we


                           a Ludu here a dice

                           here a diss . . .oOo


              The truth is . . .

A fat bearded goat . . .

wait wait wait

              We are loading steels.

              The truth is . . .

                           A REED! A pale tumulus green

                           flimsiness friendly with the air.

              The truth is . . .

              RUTH when she

              THUR and ROGER

              when he REGOR.

The truth is . . .

How is it not GRE-GOOO-REAL

listen for growing and glowing

              The truth is . . .

              Not the ellipsis no not those deranged nuts

              The truth is . . .

              rich reaching.

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