Found PoemDecember 29, 1863 Chattanooga, Tenn. Dear Mother, What does Father say about coming after my brother’s body? If he comes he could bring a metallic coffin and then if he could not take Stephen home to Ohio, he could have him buried here and then have him taken up and brought home after the war was over, or we could leave him where he fell at the Battle of Chickamauga leading his gallant company on to victory or death. If he comes, I want him to bring me a box of provisions. Tell Father to get me a pair of boots. Tell him to get them made. Tell him that I want tolerable heavy calf skin, with very heavy soles and heels. Have the soles 3 or 4 thicknesses. Tell him to get heel plates on them. If he comes down here he can find the Regiment on a little raise of ground about two or three hundred yards south of the Chattanooga Depot. You can inquire for General Tuschin’s Brigade; when you find the Brigade, inquire for the 89th Ohio; when you find the 89th Ohio, you can inquire for Company D; when you find Company D, inquire for me and any of them can tell where I am. Your son, John Walker Backstory: Found Poem The poem came from a letter carefully preserved and passed down through the generations on my wife’s side of the family. John Walker was only 18 years old when he wrote his mother asking if his father would come from Ohio to claim the body of his older brother, who had just been killed in the Battle of Chickamauga. My wife is a direct descendant of John Walker. The original letter was in an envelope addressed to the young man’s mother, Mrs. Margaret Walker, Eagle Mills, Ohio. It was copied from the original on Dec 12, 1942 by Sally Lou Neds, grandniece of John Walker. |
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