Treatment for Mr. Oblivion

Oblivion enters in greasepaint and motley.  He carries a bucket,
looks like he is looking for someone in the crowd.


In the kitchen, Oblivion is burning the white sauce again.
He sings (off key, over hissing stove effects)
I ain't got no baaaaaaaahahadee.


It is late afternoon in Memphis.  We see Oblivion check into the Peabody Hotel
just in time for the show.  He makes Polaroids of the world famous ducks who are
strutting the red carpet from lobby fountain to penthouse elevator.


Oblivion is camped at Monument Valley.  A Japanese video crew
is shooting a Honda spot.  K'nich'wa!  Kan pai!  Domo arigato! Oblivion says,
doing his best to slip vowels into the consonant clutter, to make friends.


Closing credits feature out takes:
  • The girl slaps Oblivion, and his teeth—instead of his glasses—
    go flying.  The crew cracks up.

  • Oblivion doing a little dance alone in the rain for a poignant moment.

  • Various pratfalls.  We can tell Oblivion hams it up for the camera.  
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