An Enterprising Heart

To say that Gregory's heart was "big" was to entirely miss the point.  Gregory's heart was a presence-enabled, secure and scalable enterprise-level platform for providing emotional differentiation in the fast-paced, emotional services marketplace.  The relationship arena had never been more competitive, and what set Gregory apart from the competition was a high level of availability, 99.99% emotional uptime and, perhaps most importantly, a solid communication infrastructure.  Faster, more accurate communication meant more informed decisions on the part of his Potential Significant Other (PSO), better emotional margins, and, ultimately, higher partner satisfaction.  Gregory's heart had the capacity, and the drive, to deliver on that vision.
      Gregory emptied the contents of his head out onto the counter beside the sink.  Gregory's heart was saying, was "big" was, entirely missing.  He picked up each item and jotted down the part number, then rinsed it gently under lukewarm water per the best practice guidelines he'd researched earlier in preparation for the immanent migration.  A spaceship was waiting outside the door.  Its lights he could see in the mirror one full length mirror he'd ordered and installed himself against the property owner's advisement advertisement.  The spaceship was waiting outside the door and Gregory recited his elevator pitch and he washed the hardware that needed to be replaced.  Gregory's heart was a presence-enabled, secure and scalable enterprise-prize platform for providing emotional differentiation in the fast-paced, emotional services service.  What set him apart from the competition was a complete and open and honest level of availability, an unbeatable, wow-setting 99.99% emotional uptime and there was little doubt was there, there was little doubt about his solid communication endostructure.  He tossed a small unwanted item aside.  He could not picture what he was doing.
      It felt good to be influenced by things, Gregory thought.  He picked his way through this and that.  He felt internal communication silos melting as he cleaned.  Some of it went down the drain with the small pieces he'd found, pulled, and split, and he saw that sand was left between their filaments, or small farthings he meant that, farthings, though it was wrong.  Gregory's heart was a presence-enabled, secure and scalable stable enter-platform for playing emotional differentiation in the fast-paced, global emotional receptacle spectacle.  Gregory's heart was a presence-engaged, secure and persuadable enterprise-understanding for respectable emotional differences.  Gregory's heart was a service-oriented security blanket for rotten levels under global emotional search and seizure.  Gregory's heart was fast-paced, was fast-paced, was fast-paced, was fast-paced.  Gregory's heart was fast-paced.  It had the capacity, and the drive, to deliver on that vision.  
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