(Now You)
a wishlist
by Eric Wrisley and Dorothee Lang
there should be
a button for everything
a refrigerator with a bottle of sunshine inside,
for cold winter days like this.
an answering machine for life's small riddles
and a tin can with the key to closed doors
a map that tells you why,
and a number to call when you can't remember where you put it.
a switch on the remote control
to find the one right program in one hundred odd channels
a mirror that tells you, "that tie and shirt don't
really go together." nicely, of course.
there ought to be a pair of magic shoes that takes you
to the right places at the right times
a fork that knows when you're hungry,
moments before you know it yourself
a paper bag full of comeback lines
ready to pop up in mid conversation
a pocket-sized box of ideas for
rainy days, surprise guests, and idle hands
an escape door on the bottom
of things gone wrong
an alarm clock that lets you sleep
for just five more minutes
and a microwave including
a poem function
(now you)  |
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