Green Mascara

obscure mascara

obscure mascara

mascara obscure

her mascara

her mascara is so obscure

her mascara is so obscura

it's so obscure to be mascara

she's a mascara obscurer

she is so obscure for obscure mascara

obscurant mascara obscure

that girl is so obscurant

mascariant obscurant

abstractantly mascariant by L'Oréal

abstract mascara

her mascara is so abstract

it is so abstractly obscure

her, her mascara is

do you have any idea how obscurely abstract your mascara is

any idea how abstract and obscurely obscure and mascarally mascared you are

i think i love her

i love her more than mascara

love her more than breasts

her breasts are better than chicken breasts

her mascara is more obscurely abstract than a set of chicken breasts  
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